"...and you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth."
ACTS 1:8
Our Acts 1:8 Mission Program is a giving model to help organize mission endeavors based on Acts 1:8 so that Bethel members can be on mission "here, there, and everywhere." Included in this program is our regular giving to NAMB missionaries through the Annie Armstrong Easter Offering and giving to IMB missionaries through the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering.
For our local Bethel community missions (Jerusalem), Mission Week 2020 included projects at all the local schools, building a handicap ramp for the Arc of Walker County, and much more work resulting in many man hours and almost $70,000 worth of work performed.
We also go on local mission trips (Judea) to places like Marianna, Florida, to assist with hurricane cleanup or Black Mountain, North Carolina, to work on projects at a Children's Home.
Our Samaria missions will include work in partnership with NAMB to help fund and/or provide labor to a church plant in a SEND city that we are currently praying about.
And finally, the "End of the Earth" group includes helping finance Bethel members called to overseas mission work in partnership with the IMB.
Thank you for your prayers and generous giving through our Acts 1:8 program.