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At Bethel Baptist Church we strive to provide a sanctuary for prayerful worship within a respectful and welcoming environment and to meet the spiritual needs of our congregation and community, using Christian ideas and values firmly rooted in God's Word.



We endeavor to CONNECT the lost to Jesus Christ and the fellow believers to the church, EQUIP one another to know and do the Will of God, and to SERVE all people for the Glory of Jesus Christ.

Service Times

Sunday 10:30 AM

Everyone welcome! This service is also streamed live on our Facebook page. Just click the Facebook logo at the top of this page. 


Sunday 6:00 PM

Everyone welcome!


Wednesday 6:30 PM

Prayer Meeting - Sanctuary

College and Career (Older) - Children's Building Room 163

College and Career (Younger) - Fellowship Hall

Youth Worship Service - in Youth Building

RAs, GAs, and Mission Friends - in Children's Building


WeeCare provided for babies to 4 year olds for all services.


A forerunner of Bethel Baptist Church was organized in 1885, run jointly by the Baptist and Methodist Churches. Before long the Baptists outnumbered the Methodists and they decided to separate. The first services were conducted about one-half mile north of our present location where Melvin & Eleanor Sellers now live. This building was also used as a school.


In 1900, J.W. Sellers donated the land for a new Church building. In 1903 a two-story building was erected. It was owned jointly by the Church and the Masonic Lodge and was also used for several years as a school. For the next 30 years, services were held one weekend a month on Saturday and Sunday mornings. Sunday School was an irregular occurrence and was called off entirely during the winter months because the wood and coal stove was incapable of properly heating the Church. On October 9, 1926 Bethel Baptist Church joined the Sulphur Springs Association.


Walton Sellers donated more land in 1934 on which a third building was erected and it too served both a Church and a Masonic Lodge. The 1934 construction effort was lead by M.D. Hollis, Chairman of the Building Committee. He was assisted by Abisha Wilson, Other M. Sellers, Charlie Connally and Ronnie R. Scott. This facility was also used about 30 years.


In 1964 a fourth building was constructed on land donated by Clyde Seller. Instrumental in the project were Roy Belcher, Eugene Hollis, Talmadge Phillips, Dave Howard, Milton White and Chairman, Arnold Sission. Each of these served faithfully on the Building Committee. The Finance Committee for the 1964 building was chaired by Ellen Sellers. She was assisted by Daphne Robbins, Doris Delorme, Earl Phillips, Odessa White, Valera Howard, Ray Fredrick, Dale Hankins and Clayton Sellers. This facility is still in service today. More Sunday School rooms were added in 1977 and a fellowship hall has since been added. In 1984 another 10 rooms and 2 baths were added.


Another step of faith was taken in 1988 when Bethel completed construction on a new pastorium on land owned by Dave and Margie Howard.


In spring of 1996 we began another Building project. This project consisted of remodeling our Sanctuary and extending our Choir Loft so that 5548 square feet of space (classrooms and fellowship hall), 340 square feet of new porches and 1120 square feet of basement were added. The project was completed in April 1997. All classrooms are now occupied and one day we’ll have to add on again, when God’s time is right.


In June, 2002, papers were signed to purchase from Thomas Sellers a forty-acre parcel across the road from the existing property to be the new home of Bethel Baptist Church.


In June, 2003, Ground Breaking Ceremonies were held on the new site for our multi-purpose building which serves as Sanctuary and Educational space.


In 2003, the church voted to sell the Parsonage as the current Pastor and his wife wanted to purchase a home in the community. The parsonage was sold and the money applied to the existing loan at First National Bank for the new construction.


In June, 2004, the church held it’s first service in the new Multi-Purpose building with the Dedication Service being held in August of 2004.


On March 10, 2013, Bethel held a Ground Breaking Ceremony for it's new Children and Youth Education Building. The building was completed and Dedication and Ribbon Cutting ceremony was held on March 2, 2014.


Since its organization in 1845 in Augusta, Georgia, the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) has grown to over 16 million members who worship in more than 45,000 churches in the United States. Southern Baptists sponsor about 5,000 missionaries serving the United States and its territories, Canada, and the Caribbean, as well as sponsoring more than 5,000 foreign missionaries in 153 nations of the world.


The term "Southern Baptist Convention" refers to both the convention and its annual meeting. Working through 1,175 local associations and 42 state conventions, Southern Baptists share a common bond of basic Biblical beliefs and a commitment to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the entire world.


One becomes a Southern Baptist by uniting with a Southern Baptist church - one in friendly cooperation with the Southern Baptist enterprise of reaching the world for Christ. Typically church membership is a matter of receiving Jesus as your Savior and Lord and experiencing believer's baptism by immersion.

7000 Bethel Rd, Dora, AL 35062, USA

(205) 648-2917  |  Office Hours: Monday-Thursday 9:30 AM - 2:30 PM

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©2022 by Bethel Baptist Church.

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