Thank you for visiting our website!
Here you can learn about Bethel Baptist Church's upcoming events,
history, missions partners, ongoing ministries, and more!
The website is a great resource for church members to find
information and opportunities to serve the Lord.
We also want to welcome any guests seeking information regarding our church!
If you are planning a visit to our church, would like to know more about us,
or would like to speak with a pastoral staff member, we would love to connect with you! Please click on the "Guests" tab at the top of the page, fill out the Guest form,
and let us know any information about you that will help us serve you.
Service Times
Sunday 10:30 AM
Everyone welcome! This service is also streamed live on our Facebook page. Just click the Facebook logo at the top of this page.
Sunday 6:00 PM
Everyone welcome!
Wednesday 6:30 PM
Prayer Meeting - Sanctuary
College and Career (Older) - Children's Building Room 163
College and Career (Younger) - Fellowship Hall
Youth Worship Service - in Youth Building
RAs, GAs, and Mission Friends - in Children's Building